Private Session

Training with James Sensei

The Martial Way

Personal training in Shōtōkan Karate-Dō can be the key to unlocking your full potential in the martial art. While group classes have their advantages, they may not fully cater to your unique learning style, pace, and goals. With personalised one-on-one sessions, your Sensei can tailor your training to help you achieve your specific objectives and reach new heights in your martial arts journey. Remember, every moment spent with your Sensei is an invaluable investment in your personal growth and development.

As a martial arts instructor, I believe in leading by example. I bring a unique perspective to my teaching, having gained knowledge and experience through practical application of various martial art styles over the past two decades. My philosophy is simple: "If I haven't actually done it, I won't teach it." This approach ensures that I am always able to provide my students with the most effective and authentic training, as I have personally tried and tested the techniques and strategies that I share with them.

My personal training will push you to improve, no matter your current skill level in martial arts. I will guide you to become a well-rounded practitioner and enhance your overall fitness. You will leave each session feeling accomplished and energised.

At the moment I am only available for private (and small group) tuition on my personal approach to traditional Shōtōkan Karate. My sessions are in-depth, challenging and personally tailored to suit each individual's goals.

Karate Most Popular

$80 Per Hour

Kata, Kihon & Kumite
Grading Preparation 
Strength & Conditioning
Client Specifics 

If your are interested in having a private session with me, please call me on 0455 118 226 to check availability or email using the contact form below.


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