Karate Strikes 

Strikes can be quite diverse and are usually performed with different parts of the hand or arm. Each striking technique can impact a target from a multitude of directions and angles, making strikes a Karateka's most versatile weapon. Strikes are most useful against smaller, more specific targets and, as such, require good accuracy. Only those with a basic knowledge of human anatomy will find truly effective uses for striking techniques. They are extremely dangerous and should be practiced with utmost control. As mentioned previously, most of the striking techniques can also be quite effective as blocks as well. Uchi have been divided into 2 categories:


1.Roundhouse Strikes

Roundhouse-house strikes, or mawashi-uchi, include all of the circular attacks. Roundhouse strikes travel in an arc towards their target. In most cases, if the arc is travelling downwards toward the floor, the strike is referred to as tate (vertical), as in kentsui-tate-mawashi-uchi. If the arc moves in a sideways or horizontal motion, it is called yoko, as in uraken-yoko-mawashi-uchi. Keep in mind that some of the following techniques, especially teisho, can also be used in a linear manner, as in teisho-zuki. Because of their circular nature, mawashi-uchi are very useful for circumventing an opponent's guard.

kentsui-uchi   hammer-fist strike
uraken-uchi   backfist strike
shuto-uchi   sword-hand strike
haito-uchi   ridge-hand strike (sword-ridge strike)
teisho   palm-heel


2.Smashing Techniques

These two techniques are often referred to as ate, or "smashing" techniques. Ate-waza are techniques usually delivered with the elbow or knee and are known as very powerful attacks. They are not used to pinpoint small targets, but rather to shatter whatever their intended target may be. Although knee strikes come in a limited variety, elbow strikes can have a multitude of angles and directions. Knees and elbows are excellent tools for close range combat and are very popular in street self-defence.

empi-uchi (empi-ate)   elbow strike (elbow smash)
hiza-tsuchi (hiza-ate)   knee smash (knee kick)


The main joints of the arms and hands can be trained to become very effective striking surfaces. Karate strikes are made with the:

  • Front and back of the fist
  • Joints of the fingers
  • Outside and inside edges of the open hand
  • Outside edge of the closed hand
  • Palm of the hand near the wrist
  • Point and ‘flat’ front and back of the Elbow
  • Tips of the fingers (one or more together)


For maximum effect Karate strikes should have:

  • Correct Tension in the striking surface
  • Straight wrist (usually)
  • Thrust kime to strike deep and decisively, or
  • Use of a fast snappy whip-like action to shock
  • Use of the other arm as a counter action


Targets for Karate Strikes:

Of the basic Karate moves Karate strikes are the most versatile and the list of targets is endless. Students of all types of Karate train to maximize destructive power by targeting vulnerable parts of the body. Exposed areas of soft tissue such as

  • neck
  • throat
  • solar plexus and
  • groin are primary targets

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