
Kazu (Numbers)

Kazu kah-zoo Numbers
Rei ray Zero
Ichi eech One
Ni nee Two
San san Three
Shi (Yon) she Four
Go go Five
Roku roke Six
Shichi (Nana) seech Seven
Hachi hach Eight
Ku koo Nine
Ju joo Ten
Ju Ichi joo eech 十一 Eleven
Ju Ni joo nee 十二 Twelve
Ju San joo san 十三 Thirteen
Ju Shi joo she 十四 Fourteen
Ju Go joo go 十五 Fifteen
Ju Roku joo roke 十六 Sixteen
Ju Shichi joo seech 十七 Seventeen
Ju Hachi joo hach 十八 Eighteen
Ju Ku joo koo 十九 Nineteen
Ni Ju nee joo 二十 Twenty
Ni Ju Ichi nee joo eech 二十一 Twenty One
San Ju san joo 三十 Thirty

Commands & Phrases

Arigato Gozaimasu ah-ree-gah-toh goh-zai-mas ありがとうございます Thank You Very Much
Do Itashimas'te doh-ee-tash-ee-ma-she-tay どういたしまして You're Welcome
Hajime hah-jee-may 始め Begin
Karate ni Sente Nashi kah-rah-tay nee sen-tay nah-she 空手に先手なし There is no first attack in karate.
Kawate kah-wah-tay On Guard
Kiotsuke Kee-oh-skay 気を付け Attention! Stand up straight!
Matte mah-tay 待って Wait
Mawatte mah-wah-tay 回って Turn Around
Mokuso moh-koo-soh 黙想 Quiet Meditation
Onegai Shimasu oh-neh-guy-she-mas お願いします Please (Teach Me)
Otagai ni oh-tah-gah-ee nee お互いに Toward Each Other
Otagai ni Rei oh-tah-gah-ee nee ray お互いに礼 Bow to Each Other
Otagai ni Taishi oh-tah-gah-ee nee ta(i)-sh(e) お互いに対し Face Each Other
Rei ray Bow with Respect
Sensei ni Rey sen-say nee ray 先生に礼 Bow to the Teacher
Sensei ni Taishi sen-say nee ta(i)-sh(e) 先生に対し Face the Teacher
Shomen ni Rei shoh-men ni ray 正面に礼 Bow to the Front
Shomen ni Taishi shoh-men nee ta(i)-sh(e) 正面に対し Face the Front
Shugo shoo-go 集合 Line Up, Gather together
Yame yah-may 止め Stop
Yoi yoy 用意 Ready, Attention

Miscellaneous Terms

Atemi ah-teh-me 当身 Strike (Often to distract)
Barai Bah-rye 払い Sweep
Bunkai Boon-kai 分解 Application of Kata Techniques (lit. picking apart)
Bushido boo-she-doh 武士道 The Way of the Warrior
Dai Ichi die-eech 第一 The First
Deshi deh-she 弟子 Student, Pupil
Dojo doe-joe 道場 Place to Learn the Way
Gi ghee Karate Uniform
Goshin Jutsu go-shin ju-tsoo 護身術 Self Defense Techniques
Hai hi はい Yes
Hidari hee-dah-ree Left
Iya ee-yay いいえ No
Jiyu Kumite jee-yu koo-meh-tay 自由組手 Freestyle Sparring
Kamiza kah-me-zah 上座 Seat of Honor, Shrine
Karateka kah-rah-tay-kah 空手家 Karate Student
Kiai key-eye 気合 Spirit Yell
Kihon key-hon 基本 Basics
Kokyu Ho koh-kyu how 呼吸法 Breathing Methods
Kumite koo-meh-tay 組手 Sparring
Makiwara mah-kee-wah-rah 巻藁 Striking Board
Migi mee-gee Right
Obi oh-bee Karate Belt
Shiai she-eye 試合 Sparring Match
Tameshi Wari Tah-meh-she wah-rhee 試割り Breaking (Boards, Bricks, etc.)
Waza wah-zah Technique
Yakusoku Kumite yah-k(oo)-soh-koo koo-meh-tay 約束組手 Pre-arranged Sparring

Body Parts

Ago ah-goh Chin, Jaw
Ashi ah-she Foot and/or Leg
Atama ah-tah-mah Head
haisoku hai-sow-koo 背足 Reverse Foot (Instep)
Haito hai-tow 背刀 Reverse Knife Hand (Ridge Hand)
Hana hah-nah Nose
Heiken 平券 Flat Fist (Bear Paw)
Hiji, Empi hee-jee, em-pee 肘, 猿臂 Elbow
hiraken Hee-rah ken 四本拳 Four Finger Fist (Knuckles)
Hiza he-zah Knee
Josokutei joh-soh-koo-tay 上足底 Raised Sole
Kakato kah-kah-toe Heel
Karada/shin-, -mi kah-rah-dah/ shin-, -mi 体, 身 Body, prefix/suffix for Body
Ken ken Fist
Koshi koh-shee 中足 Middle Foot (Ball of Foot)
Koshi koh-she Hips
Kubi koo-bee Neck
Kumade koo-mah-day 熊手 Bear Hand (Tiger Claw)
Me meh Eye
Mune moo-neh Chest
Nakadaka ken Nah-kah dah-kah ken 中指一本拳 Middle Finger Fist (Knuckle)
Nodo noh-doe 咽, 喉 Throat
Nukite noo-key-tay 貫手 Spear Hand
Oya-yubi Ippon-ken Oiyah-yoo-bee ee-pohn ken 親指一本拳 Thumb Fist (Thumb Knuckle)
Seiken say-ken 正拳 Proper Fist, Straight Fist, (Front 2 Knuckle Punch)
Shinkei shin-keh 神経 Nerve
Shuto shoo-tow 手刀 Knife Hand
Soku soh-koo Foot
Sokutei soh-koo-tay 足底 Sole of the Foot
Sokuto Soh-koo-toe 足刀 Foot Blade, Foot Edge
Suigetsu Soo-ee-geh-tsoo 水月 Solar Plexus (lit. Water Moon)
Sune su-nay Shin
Te tay Hand
Teisho tay-show 掌底 Palm Heel
Tekubi tay-koo-bee 手首 Wrist
Tettsui teh-tsu-ee 鉄槌 Iron Hammer (Hammer Fist)
Toriguchi 鶏口 Chicken Beak (Finger Tips)
Tsumasaki tsoo-mah-sah-key 爪先 Tips of the Toes
Ude oo-day Forearm
Uraken oo-ra-ken 裏拳 Back Fist
Wanto wahn-tow 腕刀 Sword Arm (Side of forearm)
Yubi yoo-bee Finger
zenzoku zen-zoh-koo 前足 Ball of Foot

Dachi (Stances)

Tachi, -dachi tah-chee, dah-chee 立ち Stance
Fudo-dachi, Sochin-dachi, foo-doe dah-chee, 不動立 Immovable Stance,
Genkaku-dachi ghen-kah-koo dah-chee 厳鶴立 Rigid Crane Stance
Heiko-dachi hay-koh dah-chee 平行立 Parallel Stance
Heisoku-dachi hay-sow-koo dah-chee 閉足立 Closed-foot Stance
Iaigoshi-dachi ee-ai go-she dah-chee 居合腰立 Kneeling Stance
Ippon-ashi-dachi ee-pohn ah-she-dah-chee 一本足立 One-leg Stance
Jigotai-dachi jih-go-tie dah-chee
Kamae kah-mah-eh 構え Fighting Posture, Take a Stance
Kiba-dachi key-bah dah-chee 騎馬立 Horse Riding Stance
Kokutsu-dachi koe-koo-tsu dah-chee 後屈立 Back-leg-bent Stance (lit. back-ducking Stance)
Kosa-dachi koe-sah dah-chee 交差立 Cross-leg Stance
Kumite-dachi koo-mih-tay dah-chee 組手立 Fighting Stance
Moro-ashi-dachi moh-row ah-she da-hchee
Moto-dachi moh-tow dah-chee
Musubi-dachi moo-sue-be dah-chee 結立 Heels Together Stance (lit. tying-together Stance)
Naihanchi-dachi nai-han-chee dah-chee
Naname Zenkutsu-dachi nah-nah-may zen-koo-tsue dah-chee 斜め前屈立 Slanted Front-leg-bent Stance (lit. Diagonal Front-ducking Stance)
Nekoashi-dachi neh-koh ah-she-dah-chee 貓足立 Cat Stance
Sagi-ashi-dachi sah-gee ah-she dah-chee 鷺足立 Heron Leg Stance
Sanchin-dachi sahn-chin dah-chee 三戦立 Hourglass Stance (lit. three-battles stance)
Seisan-dachi say-san dah-chee 十三立 Forward Stance
Seiza say-zah 正座 Sit/Kneel Quietly
Shiko-dachi she-koe dah-chee 四股立 Wide Open-leg Stance
Shizentai-dachi shih-zen-tie dah-chee 自然体立 Natural Stance
Soto-Hachiji-dachi soh-toh-hah-chee-jee dah-chee 外八時立 Open Natural Stance (feet point outward (外) at same angle as character for eight, 八)
Tsuri-ashi-dachi tsoo-ree ah-she dah-chee 鶴足立 Crane Leg Stance
Zenkutsu-dachi zen-koo-tsue dah-chee 前屈立 Front-leg-bent Stance (lit. Front-ducking Stance)

Uke (Block)

Uke oo-kay Block
Age-uke ah-gay oo-kay 上げ受 Rising Block
Chudan-soto-uke chew-dahn so-toe oo-kay 中段外受 Middle Outward Bock
Chudan-uchi-uke chew-dahn oo-chee oo-kay 中段内受 Middle Inward Block
Gedan-barai geh-dahn bah-rye 下段払い Lower Sweeping Block
Gedan-uke geh-dahn oo-kay 下段受 Lower Level Block
Haito-uke hai-toh oo-kay 背刀受 Reverse Knife-hand Block
Hangetsu-barai-uke hahn-geh-tsue bah-rye oo-kay 半月払受 Half-moon Sweeping Block
Hari-uke hah-rae oo-kay 払受 Sweeping Block
Hasami-uke hah-sah-me oo-kay 鋏受 Scissor Block
Hazushi-uke hah-zoo-she oo-kay 外受 Removing Block
Hiji-uke he-jee oo-kay 肘受 Elbow Block
Jodan-uke joh-dahn oo-kay 上段受 Upper Level Block
Kosa-uke koe-sah oo-kay 交差受 Cross Block
Magetori-barai-uke mah-geh-toh-ree bah-rye oo-kay 髷取 払受 Rising Double Knife-hand Block (lit. Grabbing the Topknot Block)
Makite-uke mah-key-teh oo-kay 巻手受 Winding Knife-hand Block
Morote-barai-uke moh-row-teh bah-rye oo-kay 諸手払受 Augmented Lower Block
Morote-soe-uke moh-row-teh so-eh oo-kay 諸手添受 Augmented Forearm Block, Wedge Block
Otoshi-uke oh-toe-she oo-kay 落受 Dropping Block
Sagurite-uke sah-gu-ree-teh oo-kay 探手受 Searching-hand Block
Sasae-uke sah-sa-eh oo-kay 支受 Supported Forearm Block
Sayu-barai-uke sah-yoo bah-rye oo-kay 左右払受 Double Sweeping Block (lit. Left-right Sweeping Block)
Shotei-uke show-tay oo-kay 掌底受 Palm Heel Block
Shuto-uke shoe-toe oo-kay 手刀受 Knife Hand Block
Torite-uke toh-ree-teh oo-kay 捕手受 Grasping-hand Block
Wari-uke wah-rhee oo-kay 割受 Split Block

Keri (Kick)

Keri keh-ree Kick
Ashi-barai ah-she bah-rye 足払 Leg Sweep
Fukubu-geri foo-koo-boo geh-ree 腹蹴 Abdomen Kick
Hiza-geri hee-zah geh-ree 膝蹴 Knee Kick
Keage key-ah-gay 蹴上 Snap
Kekomi key-ko-mee 蹴込 Thrust
Kin-geri keen geh-ree 金的蹴 Groin Kick
Mae-geri my-geh-ree 前蹴 Front Kick
Mae-geri-kakato my-geh-ree kah-kah-toe 前蹴踵 Front Kick with the Heel
Maetobi-geri my-toh-bee geh-ree 前飛蹴 Flying Front Kick
Mawashi-geri mah-wah-she-geh-ree 廻蹴 Round-house Kick with Top of Foot
Mikazuki-geri mee-kah-zoo-key geh-ree 三日月蹴 Crescent Kick
Nidan-geri nee-dahn geh-ree 二段蹴 Flying Front Kick, Two-level Kick
Sokuto-geri soh-koo-tow geh-ree 足刀蹴 Foot-edge Kick
Ura mawashi-geri oo-rah mah-wah-she geh-ree 裏廻蹴 Back Roundhouse Kick
Ushiro-geri oo-she-row-geh-ree 後蹴 Back Kick
Yoko-geri yoh-koh-geh-ree 横蹴 Side Kick

Tsuki (Punch)

Tsuki, -zuki tsoo-key, zoo-key Punch (lit. Thrust)
Age-zuki ah-gay-zoo-key 上げ突 Rising Punch
Chudan-zuki choo-dahn zoo-key 中段突 Middle Level Punch
Gedan-zuki gey-dahn zoo-key 下段突 Lower Level Punch
Gyaku-zuki gya-koo zoo-key 逆突 Reverse Punch
Ippon-ken ee-pohn-ken 一本拳 One Knuckle Fist
Ippon-ken Naka-daka ee-pohn-ken-nah-kah-dah-kah 一本拳中高 Middle Knuckle Fist
Jodan-zuki joe-dahn zoo-key 上段突 Upper Level Punch
Kaku-zuki kah-koo zoo-key 角突 Square Punch
Kakushi-zuki kah-koo-shee zoo-key 隠し突 Hidden Fist Punch
Morote-zuki moh-row-tay zoo-key 諸手突 Augmented Punch
Oi-zuki oy-zoo-key 追突 Lunge Punch, Chasing Punch
Sayu-zuki sah-yoo zoo-key 左右突 Double Side Punch
Tomoe-zuki toh-mo-eh zoo-key 巴突 Circular Block and Punch
Wari-uke-zuki wah-ree oo-kay zoo-key 割受突 Split-block Punch

Yubi (Finger)

Yubi-waza yoo-bee wah-zah 指技 Finger Techniques
Morote-nuki-zuki moh-row-tay new-key zoo-key 諸手貫突 Double Spear-hand Thrust
Nukite-zuki new-key-tay zoo-key 貫手突 Spear-hand Thrust
Shi-zuki she zoo-key 鶏口突 Chicken Beak Thrust
Toride-zuki toh-ree-day zoo-key 鳥手突 Bird Hand Strike

Uchi (Strike)

Uchi-waza oo-chee wah-zah 打ち技 Striking Techniques
Haito-uchi hi-tow oo-chee 背刀 打 Reverse Knife-hand Strike
Kentsui-uchi ken-tsu-ee oo-chee,  拳槌打 Hammer-fist Strike
Tettsui-uchi te-tzoo-ee oo-chee 鉄槌打 Iron Hammer Strike
Kyobu-shuto-uchi key-oh-boo shoo-tow oo-chee 胸部手刀打 Knife-hand Strike (to the chest area)
Kyobu-morote-shuto-uchi key-oh-boo moh-row-tay shoo-tow oo-chee 胸部諸手手刀打 Double Knife-hand Strike (to the chest area)
Kyobu-soete-shuto-uchi key-oh-boo soh-eh-tay shoo-tow oo-chee 胸部添手手刀打 Augmented Knife-hand Strike (to the chest area)
Shuto-uchi shoo-tow oo-chee 手刀打 Knife-hand Strike
Uraken-uchi oo-ra-ken oo-chee 裏拳打 Backfist Strike

Ate (Smash)

Ate-waza ah-tay wah-zah 当技 Smashing Techniques
Hiji-ate hee-jee-ah-tay 肘当 Elbow Smash
Empi Uchi em-pee oo-chee 猿臂打 Elbow Strike
Hiza-ate hee-zah-ah-tay 膝当 Knee Smash
Sasae-hiji-ate sah-sa-eh hee-jee ah-tay 支肘当 Supported Elbow Smash
Teisho show-tay-ah-tay 掌底当 Palm Heal Smash
Tate-hiji-ate tah-tay hee-jee ah-tay 縦肘当 Upward Elbow Smash
Ushiro-hiji-ate oo-shee-row hee-jee ah-tay 後肘当 Backward Elbow Smash
Yoko-hiji-ate yoh-koh hee-jee ah-tay 横肘当 Side Elbow Smash

Sunset at Dhampus, Nepal. Photograph by James Singh Sensei (2011)

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