JKA 3rd Dan

Instructor at The Martial Way

President of National Working Committe for JKA/WF AUSTRALIA

My interest in martial arts was ignited by a desire for self-protection and personal growth, as I had experienced bullying, racism, and violent confrontations during my childhood. I sought to empower myself with the skills and confidence to defend myself against any future challenges.

I began my martial arts journey at a local Karate club, Go-Kan-Ryu, where I was fortunate to have the guidance of my first Sensei, Joe. He instilled in me the foundational skills and discipline that have stayed with me throughout my journey. Under his tutelage, I quickly progressed and earned my 7th kyu (Orange Belt) and developed a particular affinity for the mawashi geri (round house kick) technique. It's said in Karate, "you never forget your first Sensei" and this holds true for me as Sensei Joe's teachings and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping me as a martial artist.

A change in my living situation caused me to temporarily shift my focus away from Karate, and I began training in Boxing and the Brazilian art of Capoeira. Although I found these disciplines to be beneficial and enjoyable, my passion for Karate never waned and I soon returned to my first love, reigniting my interest and dedication to the practice.

With my renewed interest in Karate, I sought out new training opportunities and joined a Goju-Ryu club run by Sensei Wayne Vella. Under his guidance, I dedicated myself to achieving excellence in competition and participated in numerous tournaments. My hard work and dedication paid off as I earned six State division titles, six National division titles, and in 2006, I accomplished a significant milestone in my martial arts journey by winning my first World Title event. This achievement was an important marker of my progress and dedication to the art of Karate.

In an effort to further develop my skills and abilities, I became interested in learning and training in other forms of martial arts. I started learning Muay Thai, also known as "the art of 8 limbs" under coach Reinhardt Badato. The discipline helped me develop my close-quarters combat skills, and greatly improved my overall fitness, stamina, as well as physical and mental conditioning. I actively participated in a number of Muay Thai competitions and achieved great success, winning all my rounds using the techniques I had learned under coach Badato. Through my training at Full Force Gym, I was able to achieve my fighter ranks in Muay Thai and ultimately, I won an Annihilation event, becoming the top rank of my weight class by the end of 2008. It was a proud moment for me and a highlight of my martial arts journey.

After some time, my desire to continue my black belt career in Karate reemerged. I sought out a new training opportunity and joined a different style of Karate club, Goshin Ryu Karate in Blacktown, which was managed by Dr. Richard Bradford Sensei. This provided me with an opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills, while also passing on my experience to other students. I instructed kickboxing and sparring classes for advanced students and also held Muay Thai classes. I found great fulfillment in being able to share my knowledge and skills with other students, and enjoyed being able to contribute to their growth and development as martial artists. Unfortunately, my progress towards achieving a higher dan level (black belt) was hindered by a severe injury sustained during the preparation for a fight. As per the advice of my surgeon, I was advised to withdraw from any form of martial arts to prevent any risk of further injury. This was a significant setback in my martial arts journey, and a difficult obstacle to overcome. It was a challenging period, but it taught me the importance of listening to my body and taking necessary precautions to prevent further injuries.

After a period of recovery and addressing my moving home and work commitments, I joined Tora Shintai Karate-Do (TSKD) and began my retraining in Shotokan Karate and Kickboxing. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with Sensei Alexsandara Nitis and Coach John Nitis. I actively participated as a coach for fighters and took the kickboxing and sparring classes, assisted in teaching Shotokan karate and also took Personal Training sessions for advanced students. I found great joy in being able to contribute to the growth and development of other martial artists, and truly appreciated the opportunity given to me to continue my own personal and professional development.

In order to continue my growth and development as a martial artist and instructor, I made the decision to open my own dojo. Now, as a successful dojo owner, I have the privilege of teaching Shōtōkan Karate to enthusiastic students of all ages. I am affiliated with the Japan Karate Association/World Federation (JKA/WF) Australia, I hold the rank of Sandan (3rd dan), D Instructor, Judging & Examiner accreditation. I am also the President of the National Working Committee of JKA/WF AUSTRALIA. Through my affiliation with JKA, I have had the honor of training with elite masters and was fortunate enough to meet JKA Chief Instructor Master Ueki Masaaki, as well as other highly respected Sensei's. This has provided me with valuable opportunities to further my knowledge and skills, and to pass on my experience to my students.



2017 NAS Australian National Championships Title Welterweight Winner
2017 NAS Australian National Champion of Champions Mens Mens Open Second
2015 Arnold Classic AUS Championships Muay Thai - Silver Medallist Featherweight Winner
2010 Australian Championships Muay Thai Annihilation Fly Weight Winner
2008 ISKA Sports NSW Open - Point Sparring Mens Winner
2008 ISKA Sports Karate Winter Open - Point Sparring Mens Winner
2007 ISKA Country Championships - Point Sparring Mens Open Winner
2007 ISKA Country Championships - Kata Mens Open Winner
2007 ISKA CCP Australian International Championships Mens Open Third
2006 2nd World All Styles Championships - Points Sparring Featherweight Winner
2006 2nd World All Styles Championships - Continuous Sparring Mens Open Fourth
2006 NAS Best of the Best Australian National Titles Mens Open Third
2006 NAS NSW Round 1 - Points Sparring Mens Open Winner
2006 NAS NSW Round 1 - Continuous Mens Open Winner
2006 NAS N.S.W Round 2 - Points Sparring Mens Open Winner
2006 NAS NSW Round 2 - Continuous Mens Open Second
2006 NAS NSW Round 3 - Points Sparring Mens Open Winner
2006 NAS NSW Round 3 - Continuous Mens Open Winner
2004 All Time Classic Martial Arts Championship - Points Sparring Mens Open Winner
2004 7th Australian Martial Arts Championships - Points Sparring Mens Open Winner
2004 7th Australian Martial Arts Championships - Continuous Mens Open Second
2004 NAS NSW Round 1 - Points Sparring Kyu Rank Winner
2004 NAS NSW Round 1 - Continuous Kyu Rank Winner
2004 NAS NSW Round 2 - Points Sparring Kyu Rank Second
2004 NAS NSW Round 2 - Continuous Kyu Rank Winner
2004 NAS NSW Round 3 - Points Sparring Kyu Rank Winner
2004 NAS NSW Round 3 - Continuous Kyu Rank Second

JKA Official-recognition Technical Qualifications

QualificationsRegistration No.Acquisition Date
Shodan AU1-1580 14 May 2016
Nidan AU2-0451 26 May 2018
Sandan AU3-0341 22 Nov 2020
Class D Instructor 19I0221 26 May 2019
Class D Judge 19J0128 26 May 2019
Class D Examiner 22E0050 29 May 2022

First Aid & CPR

QualificationsCodeAcquisition DateExpiry Date
Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation HLTAID009 24 Jan  2023 23 Jan 2024
Provide basic emergency life support HLTAID010 09 Feb 2022 08 Feb 2025
Provide First Aid HLTAID011 09 Feb 2022 08 Feb 2025
Provide First Aid in an education and care setting HLTAID012 09 Feb 2022 08 Feb 2025

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