Category Archives: Karate


Translating the Dojo-kun The Dojo-kun is a very important part of understanding what karate is all about and it is also one of the things that sets karate apart from many other disciplines. Karate is not a sport, it is a way of life that follows the principles described in the Dojo-kun. Dojo-kun is a Japanese…
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Master Gichin Funakoshi

Master Gichin Funakoshi is widely considered the primary "father" of modern karate due to his efforts to introduce the Okinawan art to mainland Japan, from where it spread to the rest of the world. Funakoshi Gichin was also the founder of what is now known as Shōtōkan Karate. If there is one man who could be credited…
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Fore Fist (Seiken)

How to Make a Seiken (Proper Fist) One of the most versatile and powerful weapons of Okinawan Karate is the Seiken (Fore fist). To make a proper fist, start by extending all four fingers and pressing them tightly together. Curl your fingers so that the tip of each finger touches its base. Continue to curl…
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Buying A Karate Uniform

What is Karate Uniform? A Karate uniform is sometimes called by its Japanese name ‘karate do-gi’ or ‘keiko-gi’ (training clothing) or more commonly used outside of Japan is just the word ‘ gi’ (clothing/uniform) which is pronounced ‘ghee’. It is believed the founder of judo; Jigoro Kano developed the do-gi that is similar to that used…
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