Category Archives: Psychology

Physical and Psychological (P’n’P)

It's all Physical and Psychological (P'n'P). Have you ever asked yourself why all genuine martial artists are well-balanced? I stated 'genuine' only because a handful actually follows through P'n'P aspects and become subject matter experts. You realistically begin your training after receiving your Black Belt, anything prior is simply pre-training. Karate-Dō has proven to me…
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Buakaw Banchamek Becomes a Monk

Buakaw Banchamek is known as one of the worlds greatest Muay Thai practitioners that there has ever been. You’ve probably seen videos of him kicking down banana trees on the internet before. Well, it looks like his new path is one of self-enlightenment, as he has become a Buddhist Monk.   “Muay Thai fighter Buakaw…
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Prevent and Stop Cyberbullying Technology means that bullying is no longer limited to schoolyards or street corners. Cyberbullying can occur anywhere, even at home, via email, texts, cell phones, and social media websites 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with potentially hundreds of people involved. For those who suffer cyber bullying, the effects can…
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Helping Bullied Kids and Teens Unless you’ve directly experienced bullying, you may not realise just how devastating it can be, especially to a child or teenager. As well as being deeply hurtful, bullying can leave anyone feeling frightened, angry, depressed, and totally undermined. But bullying should never be tolerated. Whether you’re the one being bullied, or…
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Tips on Meeting People and Building Strong Friendships We all know that friendship is a good thing. But did you know that friends have a huge impact on your happiness and quality of life? Good friends relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness and isolation, and even strengthen your health. Despite their importance, close…
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Anger Management

Tips and Techniques for Getting Anger Under Control Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, but when chronic, explosive anger spirals out of control, it can have serious consequences for your relationships, your health, and your state of mind. With insight about the real reasons for your anger and these anger management tools, you can learn…
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