Category Archives: Zen

Breathwork Activity – Box Breathing

Relaxation techniques can be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. These techniques can also improve focus, mental acuity, and performance at work, or even aid in preparing for sleep. One such technique, called Box Breathing, can help you slow your breathing and achieve a state of focus and concentration without stress. It works…
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Zen & Health

Zen meditation or zazen is extremely beneficial for us in more ways than one. Besides enhancing spiritual growth, it promotes the physical and mental well-being of an individual. Since a huge number of people all over the world have benefited immensely from meditation, they can recount their stories and tell you how meditation transformed them…
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Zen & Martial Arts

Zen has had a strong influence on the development of martial arts in Japan. Essentially, Zen and the martial arts have the same spirit, the same essence. Centuries ago in Japan, Zen had profoundly influenced the development of martial arts like Kendo (Kenjutsu), Kyudo (Kyujutsu), Judo (Jujutsu), Karate, and Aikido. In ancient Japan, Zen had…
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Bodhidharma (5th Century)

Bodhidharma, also known as Daruma in Japan, was an Indian Buddhist monk, who is commonly considered the founder of Chan Buddhism in China - later known as Zen in Japan. Bodhidharma is believed to be born in the Kanchipuram city of India, located near the famous Madras city during the early 450-500 A.D. He was…
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om mani padme hum

Mantras are short phrases, usually in the Sanskit language, that are used by Buddhists, especially in the Tibetan Mahayana tradition to focus the mind with spiritual meaning. The most well-known mantra is probably "Om Mani Padme Hum"  in Sanskrit pronunciation or "Om Mani Peme Hung" in Tibetan pronunciation. Om Mani Padme Hum means "Om, jewel in the…
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Mantra Meditation (OM Meditation)

Mantras are short phrases, usually in the Sanskit language, that are used by Buddhists, especially in the Tibetan Mahayana tradition, to focus the mind with spiritual meaning.  Mantras are repeated for the purpose of focusing your mind. It is not an affirmation used to convince yourself of something. Some meditation teachers insist that both the choice of word,…
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Mindfulness Meditation

Your mind is generating a continuous flow of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Meditation practice does not stop these functions but provides methods and techniques for letting them go, and therefore leading us to seeing the true nature of things. The foundation of all meditation training is the cultivation of a calm and positive state of…
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