Wai Kru

Wai Kru is a demonstration of the pupil's respect and gratitude to his teacher in submission to the teaching training. Wai Kru is traditionally practiced by Thais of various professions and arts, e.g., dancers, sword fighters, musicians, as well as academic students, and of course Muay Thai boxers are no exception. "Wai" means to pay respect by putting both hands together in front of the chest. The demonstration of Wai Kru does not only imply paying respect to the present teacher, but also includes homage to all the teachers of the discipline.

Wai Kru ceremonies are preferable held on Thursday, which is believed to be the teacher’s day. On that day, pupils present certain offerings, usually flowers, money, cloth, etc., to the person who has accepted them as his students. The pupils make a vow that they will study seriously and patiently, respect him and behave fairly to their fellow students and will use the knowledge gained properly.

Wai Kru is called Kheun Kru (the initial ceremony of paying respect to the teacher). Subsequently. They will pay respect to their teachers ceremonially each year, which is called "Yohk Kru" But whenever the pupils intend to use the knowledge taught to them. They will always start by paying respect to their teacher; this action is called Wai Kru or Bucha Kru (to pay respect to a teacher).

In Muay Thai, the boxer will always preface the fight with Wai Kru and this tradition is still practiced nowadays. This ceremony is usually performed to rousing Thai music from pipes and drums, and with the initial Ram Muau (the boxing movement). The Wai Kru and Ram Muay are useful, since the boxer gains encouragement from paying homage to his teachers and feels that he is not on his own: he has his teacher and the other teachers of the discipline to support him. The Wai Kru process will also give him time to concentrate and revise what he has learned, as well as display the nature of his weapons and the high degree of his skill. The steps, movement and use of his weapons are designed to warm up the bodies muscles, survey the field of play, and conceal the contestant’s style of fighting.


World famous Thai fighter Buakaw Banchamek demonstrating Wai Kru


Muay Thai Meditation

Authors: Yod Ruerngsa, Khun Kao Charuad and James Cartmell

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