Category Archives: Fitness

3 Workouts that Work

Our generation is getting more creative in the way we do things today thanks to technology, however, not so true when it comes to fitness. I believe we are less active nowadays and tend to have that "want it now" approach. I'm sorry people but there is no fast tracking this. Remember – exercising and maintaining a…
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Heart Rate Zone Training

To improve your fitness levels you’ll need to make sure you are training in the right heart rate Target Zone. Your maximun heart rate is calculated by your age. Your training heart rate is determined by your level of fitness and your age. Beginners should start at a training heart rate zone of 50-70% of…
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Skipping is a simple training drill you could add to your routine. It is easy to learn, develops cardiovascular fitness and endurance, and works the calves, glutes and arms. Skipping can be safer than running or jogging as you have two legs absorbing the impact of each landing. Running can often lead to sports injuries…
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Beginners Guide to Running

Engaging in a new activity such as running can be a daunting experience, especially if you have never run more than a few kilometers before. Even if you possess endurance from practicing Cross Fit, MMA, Karate, or Kickboxing, your legs may experience discomfort and even develop Shin Splits - a condition involving inflammation, irritation, and soreness…
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Push-Up Techniques

There is no doubt that 'Push-Ups' are one of the ultimate upper body exercise routines. They are easily adaptable into any type of sport or routine, can be performed by the majority of age groups, and best of all can be done at home for free without the use of any high tech or expensive equipment. Push-Ups are…
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Beginners Guide to Push-Ups

There is no doubt that 'Push-Ups' are one of the ultimate upper body exercise routines. They are easily adaptable into any type of sport or routine, can be performed by the majority of age groups, and best of all can be done at home for free without the use of any high tech or expensive equipment. Push-Ups are…
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Become a Better Athlete

At some point you will ask yourself "how do I really become a better athlete and what is involved?" The answer is simple – keep at it and do it consistently! The following are some tips that I had put together for myself and for my fellow athletes while we were training for a special event.…
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