Category Archives: Health

Muscle Strain

The most common source of muscle pain is a muscle strain due to overstretching. A muscle strain may also be referred to as a pulled muscle or a muscle tear. A muscle strain can vary in severity from mild to severe and ultimately, a complete muscle rupture. Either way, your muscle strain will result in muscle pain, or at least muscle soreness, plus…
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Relax Using Pressure Points

Using pressure points is a convenient and effective way to relax. Pressure points can be manipulated by yourself or with someone's help. They can be used anywhere and at any time. Stimulating the muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves in specific areas of the body can prompt feelings of peace, tranquility and euphoria. This is a…
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Harmful dietary – Bad Fats

There are two main types of potentially harmful dietary fat:   Saturated fats This is a type of fat that comes mainly from animal sources of food, such as red meat, poultry and full-fat dairy products. Saturated fat raises total blood cholesterol levels and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, which can increase your risk of…
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Healthier dietary – Good Fats

The types of potentially helpful dietary fat are mostly unsaturated:   Poly means many unsaturated chemical bonds and mono means one unsaturated chemical bond. These unsaturated fats are often found in liquid vegetable oils.   Monounsaturated fats This is a type of fat found in a variety of foods and oils. Studies show that eating foods…
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Dietary Plan – Sample

So I was cleaning my study, and I stumbled across my old dietary plan from 2012. This was most likely in preparation for an event as it was a short-term plan. An old training partner gave me the nickname "Bamboo", hence the title "Bamboo Diet". Here is a downloadable file should you like a copy for reference or guide…
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